Charles Spurgeon
In 1841 a few local Baptists joined themselves to the local Congregationalists who were meeting in a small chapel at the end of Chiswick Lane, known as Chiswick Chapel.
They continued together until 1866 when the Congregationalists obtained their own building. The Baptists, however, remained behind and with the help and blessing of Charles Haddon Spurgeon formed themselves into a Baptist Church. He came down and preached on the 12th of April 1866 and encouraged them to go forward in the work of God.
Charles Spurgeon did more than preach the opening sermon of the new church: for several years he paid the rent of the chapel and also sent students to preach on Sunday.

CBC's Iron Chapel - Annandale road 1882-1892

For 11 years student pastors, from Spurgeon’s College, filled the pulpit and encouraged this young church. Then in 1877 they called their first fulltime pastor, Rev. W.E. Lynn. He was offered a salary of £100 per year.
The day came when the little band had to leave the old chapel at the end of Chiswick Lane and seek premises elsewhere. A number of sites were inspected and eventually in 1883 one was chosen in Annandale Road.
Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon again came and presided at the stonelaying of the iron building to be erected, while he also gave financially towards the building fund.
Inside CBC - circa 1900

Inside CBC - circa 1900
On 2 June 1896 the foundation stones of the present building were laid by Rev. Charles Spurgeon (in memory of Charles Haddon Spurgeon). That evening a service conducted by Rev. Thomas Spurgeon was held in the Chiswick Hall (located at the back of Turnham Green Terrace).
While the work for the new building was in progress all services were held in this Hall. The new building was opened on with a special service of thanksgiving, where Rev Charles Spurgeon (C.H. Spurgeon’s twin son) preached to a packed church at the opening service of the new building on 2 March 1897.
The church has seen dozens of ministers since that time, but all focused on one thing - sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
In the summer of 1892 the church once again turned to Spurgeon’s College and for a few months a number of students came to supply
the pulpit; among them being the Rev. Arthur G. Edgerton who was asked to be Pastor in October of that year.
He found a good congregation and under his leadership the people worked and with enthusiasm so that six months later a side wing was added to the Chapel. The congregation and Sunday School increased and a fund was started for a new and improved church building.